Songs on a Subject

I’ve been interested in a range of songs on a subject – most largely songs about emigration but I’ve also looked at songs about the First World War, the 1798 rebellion, the songs and music of 1916, sexuality and trains, the latter because I was asked to. These can be accessed below.

  1. Emigration Songs
  2. Songs of the First World War
  3. Two aspects of 1798
  4. The Irish Railways in Song

Some items posted elsewhere are relevant –

  • A summary of a talk I gave to the 2001 McGlinchey Summer School (CLonmany, Co Donegal) on “Emigration Songs” is on the page – Emigration Songs. It had previously been published in It’s Us They’re Talking About: the proceedings of the McGlinchey Summer School for 2005. It also bears on another of my headings – Song Cultures – Regional Song Cultures.
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